Sunday School operates every Sunday in term time alongside both the 9am ‘Holy Eucharist’ and the 11am ‘Choral Eucharist’. Children can arrive any time from 8.45am and 10.45am respectively. Sunday School activities include: Bible stories and discussion; art and craft work; singing, drama and of course prayers. Our aim is that Sunday School is a safe and happy place where children can learn about the Christian faith.

There are three classes:
- Class 3 is for children from age 3 up to and including Primary School Reception; it meets in Prebendal House. Sunday School Leaders will bring these children into the David Chapel at approx 9.35am where parents can collect them in time for their blessing during communion.
- Class 2 is for Primary School Years 1 – 4 and also meets in Prebendal House. Sunday School Leaders will bring these children into the Cathedral via the main West Door at approx 9.40am, when the children will process to the front for their blessing and remain there with their leaders until the end of the Service when parents can collect them.
- Class 1 is for Primary School Years 5 & 6; the children in this class normally sit in front rows of the Cathedral throughout the 9.00am ‘All Age Service’ and they are encouraged to volunteer to read or act as servers. Sunday School leaders sit with them and help them to follow the Service. Sometimes we provide a separate arrangement for this class, for example when we are preparing for our Good Friday or Christmas plays.
If you would like your child to join Sunday School, please complete one of the Registration Forms below.