Although it is rooted in history, the Cathedral is not a museum but a vibrant, living community which depends on the goodwill and generosity of the many volunteers who work alongside the Clergy and Staff every day and in many different ways.
From the shop to stewarding, flower arranging to bell ringing, serving at the altars to leading the Sunday School, there are many opportunities to get involved and contribute to the life of the Cathedral Community.
Take a look at some of the current volunteering opportunities below:
Cathedral Welcomer
Our welcomers are vital in providing a warm welcome to visitors. It is a great chance to meet the fascinating people who visit the Cathedral and learn a bit about the building and its history.
Altar Serving team
Our team of altar servers assists the clergy at our Sunday morning services.
Flower Guild
The Cathedral’s Flower Guild plays a vital role in the festivals of Easter and Christmas, while also creating displays every week outside of Lent and Advent.
The bellringing team practise every Tuesday evening and ring every Sunday as well as for special occasions.
Parish Breakfast Volunteer Coordinator
After our 9.00am All-Age Eucharist on Sundays the Volunteer Coordinator organises and supports our team of helpers serving tea and coffee in Prebendal House
Helping out at the Parish Breakfast
After our 9.00am All-Age Eucharist on Sundays a valuable team of helpers serve tea and coffee in Prebendal House
Parish Stewards
We are lucky to have a great team of Parish Stewards who assist at the 9.00am Eucharist by welcoming visitors and ensuring the safety of the congregation.
Cathedral Shop
We have a valuable team of volunteers who keep the Cathedral Shop open each day of the week. During the summer in particular we appreciate more volunteers when we have greater numbers of visitors.
Sunday School Leader
The Cathedral is fortunate to have a huge Sunday School of well over 150 children. This would not be possible without our amazing team of leaders who teach the children.
The Choral Eucharist Intercessors lead the prayers at our 11.00am service each week.
Volunteer to livestream
A small team of volunteers assists with live streaming our 11am and 4pm Sunday services as well as at special events.
Collection Counters
The small team of Collection Counters help manage our cash donations week by week.
Tour Guides
Our knowledgeable Tour Guides share the history and stories about the Cathedral to visitors from across the world.
Event Stewards
Our Event Stewards act as fire marshals and assist concert organisers.
Saturday Working Party
Our Saturday Working Party helps with various DIY tasks around the Cathedral and its grounds.
Llandaff Cathedral Community Council Member
Members of the LCCC are elected each year to join the body that supports the Dean & Chapter.